Saturday, November 28, 2009


I love being around your family..... the energy is fantastic! Thanks for letting me capture your beautiful smiles on camera! You all are great and we love you!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Frevert Family

It was so great to meet your family (and Oscar too)! Thank you for allowing me to capture a taste of your love for one another. Oscar I loved all of your doggie kisses too.....

Keddie: Baby oh Baby!

David and Christina - It was a joy for me to capture the love you have for one another behind the lens. Your smiles tell a story: a story that is going to continue to unfold with the entrance of this little guy. We can't wait to meet him.


Lydia - you are absolutely, fantastically beautiful!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brad and Casadi

It's baby time people!! Maybe you will have a boy and he will be a great hockey player like his daddy..... hmmmm can't wait to meet this little person. :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hello community!! John and I have recently decided to change where we shop. Notice I said, change where we shop NOT spend more money. We are saving money AND going green, with high quality products (I don't have enough room to explain the science, research and dedication that has gone on behind the genius of all the products but everything we learn, we love and appreciate). We actually value shopping through melaleuca. Anyway, I'm happy to say that Camille and Soren now clean with me and I don't worry about the chemicals they are breathing in. Even with the shampoo and soap they use in the bathtub. i was never aware of how many toxins and irritants are in the bath materials we use. Anyway, Melaleuca is really wonderful on so many different levels. If you are interested in going green, saving money and being healthy then you need to check out Melaleuca. Melaleuca also has plenty of job opportunities if you are one who is looking for an extra income. Check out my website and request more information. I'd love to plug you in!!